Process Work

Process Work is an innovative approach to individual and collective change, which brings psychology, group dynamics, spirituality, and creative expression together in a single paradigm. An off-shoot of Jungian psychology, Process Work was developed by Jungian analyst Arnold Mindell in the 1970s when Mindell began researching illness as a meaningful expression of the unconscious mind. 

Over the last thirty years of application and research by Arny and Amy Mindell and associates, Process Work is now commonly described as "awareness practice," as its emphasis is on awareness, both the practitioner's and the client's, rather than on any particular intervention.

Process Work theory and methods encompass a broad range of applications and have been applied in many disciplines: as a form of inner work or self-therapy, as a facilitation method for groups and organizations, as a conflict resolution technique, in therapeutic settings with individuals, couples, and families, as a method for working with physical illness, comatose and remote states of consciousness, death and dying, and behavioral health issues such as addiction, depression, anxiety and panic disorders.

For more information about Arny and Amy Mindell's Process Work, go to: